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Sensititre Identification

Sensititre provides the only fully customizable system for identification and susceptibility testing of bacteria and yeasts.

These plates can be categorised as follows: 

Standard Susceptibility MIC Plates

Fastidious Plates

Standard ID Plates

Custom Susceptibility Plates


Standard Susceptibility MIC Plates


Anaerobe MIC Plate*

*For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

  • The only anaerobic MIC broth microdilution plate currently available in accordance to NCCLS recommendations ensures accurate reporting

  • Anaerobe MIC format offers laboratories an easy alternative outside of labor intensive agar dilution procedures
  • Extended shelf life and room temperature storage simplify inventory control concerns and reduce storage and expiry costs

  • Individual packaging allows laboratories to test one isolate at a time, reducing costs associated with waste
  • True MIC readings in accordance with NCCLS recommendations ensure accurate endpoint results, leading to better patient care

Campylobacter MIC Plate

  • Nine antimicrobial agents per plate yield low cost per test
  • 24 month, room temperature storage eliminates inventory control concerns

  • Individual packaging allows laboratory to test one plate at a time with no waste
  • Inclusive on scale QC ranges provide immediate quality assurance of testing methodology in accordance with CLSI (formerly NCCLS) recommendations

  • Easy set-up procedures eliminate time consuming agar dilution alternative
  • Microbroth dilution provides reliable, easy and consistent endpoint determination with visual reading or with SensiTouch®

ESBL Confirmatory MIC plate

  • Comprehensive selection of antimicrobics provides cost effective test procedures for Enterobacteriacea and ESBL Confirmation
  • Extensive dilution range of confirmatory antimicrobics ensures full compliance with NCCLS recommendations

  • Inclusion of the most important antimicrobics aid in choosing appropriate therapeutic treatment
  • Manual or automated read options provide flexible alternatives for fully automated or back-up test procedures

  • Long shelf life and room temperature storage simplifies inventory control concerns and expiry costs




Fastidious plates

Sensititre® HPB Suceptibility Plates

​The Science Behind Sensititre HPB Susceptibility Plates

The only microdilution system that offers susceptibility testing for either Haemophilus influenzae or Streptococcus pneumoniae on the same plate, the HPB plate provides clinicians with a wide selection of antimicrobics to assist in determining the most effective therapy. Full-range antimicrobic dilutions allow for the reporting of the MIC and CLSI (formerly NCCLS) interpretive category for quality susceptibility information and better patient care.


Each individually packaged, 96-well HPB microtitre plate is precision dosed and vacuum dried to provide better antimicrobic stability than frozen systems. The possible loss of antimicrobic potency due to thawing is eliminated and, because the HPB plate is dosed with the antimicrobic only, each laboratory has the flexibility to choose the appropriate broth for testing. The HPB Susceptibility Plate can be read manually or semi-automatically using the Sensititre SensiTouch®.

Gram-Positive and Gram-Negative MIC Plates

  • Up to 22 antimicrobics on a single format allows susceptibility testing to be conducted on most Gram-positive and Gram-negative organisms
  • Complete antimicrobic selection, including Gatifloxacin and Linezolid, eliminates costs associated with additional off-line test procedures
  • Excellent quality and consistent results lead pharmaceutical companies to choose Sensititre® most often for surveillance studies and clinical trials

  • Extended 18-month shelf life and room temperature storage simplifies inventory control concerns and reduces storage and expiry costs
  • Formats contain antimicrobic only, allowing flexibility in broth choice based on CLSI (formerly NCCLS) requirements

  • New GPALL1F Gram Positive MIC Plate contains FDA-cleared broth D-Test, along with Cefoxitin Screen and Daptomycin to eliminate ALL offline testing

Streptococcus species MIC Plate

  • Most recent FDA-cleared antimicrobics, including Azithromycin, Augmentin, Daptomycin and Tigecycline
  • FDA-cleared for automated and manual reading of Streptococcus species using the Sensititre ARIS® 2X fully automated system and Sensititre manual platforms

  • Individual packaging allows laboratories to test one isolate at a time, reducing costs associated with waste
  • MIC results for 19 antimicrobics conducted on a single plate format reduces overall costs

  • True MIC readings in accordance with CLSI recommendations provide results for better critical disease care
  • Extended shelf life and room temperature storage simplify inventories control and storage expiry costs

Rapid and Slow Growing Mycobacterium MIC Plates

  • Easily test Mycobacterium spp., including rapid growing Mycobacterium fortuitum group or M. smegmatis group, Nocardia spp. and other aerobic actinomycetes, and slow growing nontuberculosis mycobacteria, including Mycobacterium avium complex, Mycobacterium kansasii  and Mycobacterium marinum
  • Microdilution tests provide reliable, easy and consistent endpoint determination with visual reading or with SensiTouch®
  • Extended shelf life, room temperature storage eliminates inventory control concerns
  • Individual packaging allows laboratory to test one plate at a time with no waste
  • Inclusive on scale QC ranges provide immediate quality assurance of testing methodology
  • Easy set-up procedures and incubation provide results in 3 days (rapid growers) to 14 days (slow growing organisms)

Mycobacterium tuberculosis MIC Plate

  • The first dry microbroth dilution plate to test both first and second line antimicrobics for Mycobacterium tuberculosis
  • Test 12 antimicrobics on a single MIC plate for cost-effective results
  • Inclusive on-scale QC ranges provide immediate quality assurance of testing methology
  • Easy set-up procedures and incubation requirements provide MIC results in only 10-21 days

Standard ID Plates

Standard Identification Plates

Sensititre autoidentification plates are in vitro diagnostic products developed to provide organism identification for the most common aerobic Gram negative and Gram positive bacteria.

  • Presumptive ID of gram negative organisms can be obtained in five hours; identification to species level for both Gram negatives and Gram positives can be obtained after overnight incubation.
  • If extended incubation is required for identification,the same plate can be re-incubated eliminating the need to re-inoculate a new plate.
  • Each test plate is designed to identify three separate organisms.

Custom Plates

Custom Susceptibility Plates


Through collaboration with all major pharmaceutical companies, Sensititre can offer the most extensive range of antimicrobics available for user-defined custom plates.

A selection from over 200 antimicrobics can be incorporated into custom formats configured to meet your testing requirements. Antimicrobic selections are provided for both full range MIC and Breakpoint testing procedures. To meet individual laboratory test requirements, custom susceptibility plates are manufactured to meet CLSI (formerly NCCLS) guidelines. Small minimum order quantities allow for better cost and inventory control.

Dry Format -MIC and Breakpoint


  • Custom MIC plates - with or without substrates in wells
  • Custom Breakpoint plates - with or without substrates in wells

When using Sensititre AutoReader or ARIS® 2X a substrate system is necessary. Sensititre offers the option of selecting plates with substrates in wells or plates without substrates plus E1012 Substrate Strips for Automated Reading. Contact your TREK Area Account Manager or Customer Service Representative for minimum order information. Quantity discounts are available.

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